Saturday, 18 June 2011

Testing, testing one two three.

Well, it is Gim's first day of life, so how better to road test him that a raid :oD

[14:25]  (empty) Welcome to the City of Corcyrus, Excuse the mess we are under construction
[14:25]  You decline 'City of Corcyrus Laws*'  ( ) from Notecard Giver.
[14:25]  You decline 'City of Corcyrus, Corcyrus (144, 211, 22)'  ( ) from Notecard Giver.
[14:25]  GM Dispenser 1.6: Fetching meter from server, please wait a moment....
[14:25]  Alika Update Server owned by Danna Ewing gave you 'GM 4.02 Boxed'  ( ).
[14:26]  GM 4.02 Boxed owned by MehtapDreamWeaver Resident gave you 'GM 4.02 Boxed'  ( ).
[14:26]  GM 4.02: Region synchronized
[14:26]  GM 4.02: Note: This region has stronger melee weapons.
[14:32]  Kool Door : MehtapDreamWeaver Resident starts to lockpick... (wait here 3 min till end of timer at top)[14:32]  Kool Door : MehtapDreamWeaver Resident starts to lockpick... (wait here 2 min till end of timer at top)
[14:32]  Kool Door (MehtapDreamWeaver Resident has moved away. Lockpick/jam aborted)
[14:33]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) takes out his dagger and fiddles with the bolts on the door
[14:33]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) growls at the stubborn lock hacking away at the wood with his sharp dagger
[14:34]  Kool Door ⚒ Lockpicked by MehtapDreamWeaver Resident
[14:34]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) presses his sholder into the door to put pressure on the lock
[14:36]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) sniffs looking for food, trying to catch the scent
[14:37]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) picks up the warm bread and takes a bite
[14:37]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): mmmmmm
[14:37]  You decline 'spoon'  ( ) from [TUFF] Rustic Oven v3.
[14:38]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) smiles at the bottles, much much to drink for he and his brothers
[14:39]  Giani (jovian.catseye) crouches down and peers into the kennels
[14:39]  Giani (jovian.catseye): he sees his brother in the kennels rifling through the slaves silks
[14:40]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) goes over to the chair and uses his dagger to tear off strips of material, then takes the strips and ties them round the necks of the bottles so he can carry more of them
[14:41]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) looks round for more food
[14:41]  Giani (jovian.catseye) pulls a pin out of his loin cloth and begins to fiddle with the lock
[14:41]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) hears curious noises from the door and presses his ear against it
[14:41]  Giani (jovian.catseye): he sticks his tongue out as he concentrates
[14:42]  Giani (jovian.catseye): he presses his ear against the door and listens to the sounds the lock makes wondering when he is going to get the click
[14:42]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) climbs on the table, the smiles as he sees his brother and hides to one side
[14:42]  Kool Door ⚒ Lockpicked by Jovian Catseye
[14:42]  Kool Door ⚒ Lockpicked by Jovian Catseye
[14:42]  Giani (jovian.catseye): two more twists of his pick and a grin slides onto his face and he grins in triumph as the door springs ove
[14:43]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): YOU, SAVAGE what you DOINGING!
[14:43]  Giani (jovian.catseye): !
[14:43]  Giani (jovian.catseye): ahhh
[14:43]  Giani (jovian.catseye): brother scare giani
[14:43]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) frins looking to see if his brother jumped
[14:43]  Giani (jovian.catseye): ohhh look
[14:43]  Giani (jovian.catseye): giani see before
[14:43]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): Gim keep Giani healthy, heart beat good now
[14:44]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) stares
[14:44]  Giani (jovian.catseye): call boookes
[14:44]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): books?
[14:44]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): boooks good for making fires?
[14:44]  Giani (jovian.catseye): giani pulls out a book and opens it upside down
[14:44]  Giani (jovian.catseye): no .. guardian read
[14:44]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) takes one and sniffs it "read?"
[14:45]  Giani (jovian.catseye): nods
[14:45]  Giani (jovian.catseye): giani not understand either
[14:45]  Giani (jovian.catseye): bring booooke
[14:45]  Giani (jovian.catseye): give guardian tiger when find
[14:45]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) licks a page, then grimices at the foul taste and throws it down
[14:45]  Giani (jovian.catseye) shuts the book and put it in to his pouch
[14:46]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) takes out his dagger again and cuts into one of the cushions tearing of strips, then binds some of the books together to carry, a grimice crossing his face briefly before he covers it in case his brother think him weak
[14:47]  Giani (jovian.catseye) gets bored in the kennel and runs though the paved streets following his nose.
[14:47]  Giani (jovian.catseye): and the smell of bread.
[14:49]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) looks round curiously at the large stones
[14:50]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) begins to wimper softly, unable to find a way out the big stone building
[14:50]  Kool Door : (MehtapDreamWeaver Resident, door can be actioned only by lever 1, lockpicking invalid)
[14:50]  ::Kool door' Lever: MehtapDreamWeaver Resident, you are too far to touch this lever
[14:50]  ::Kool door' Lever whispers: MehtapDreamWeaver Resident actions the lever 1
[14:51]  Kool Door : (MehtapDreamWeaver Resident, door can be actioned only by lever 1, lockpicking invalid)
[14:52]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) looks curiously at the wite building "silly white people, even buildings white"
[14:52]  Giani (jovian.catseye) sees people in the house and creeps by so not to be seen
[14:52]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) spots his brother creeping and jumps down racing after him
[14:53]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) looks and sees why his brother ran, and hastely follows him
[14:53]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) sniffs "food!"
[14:54]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) licks his lips "food, big food"
[14:54]  Giani (jovian.catseye) catches up with his brother
[14:54]  Giani (jovian.catseye): and grins
[14:54]  Giani (jovian.catseye): he breaks off a chunk of bread and holds it out to gim
[14:55]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) grins and takes a piece chewing thoughtfully
[14:55]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): big food, many many brother need to carry
[14:55]  Giani (jovian.catseye): giani got paga
[14:55]  Giani (jovian.catseye): nods
[14:56]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) hold up the bottles he is carrying on the strips of material
[14:56]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): Gim not open, maybe good, maybe bad
[14:56]  Giani (jovian.catseye): giani open paga, is good," he belches loudly and in his brother's face
[14:56]  Giani (jovian.catseye): see
[14:57]  Giani (jovian.catseye): good
[14:57]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) snifs "hmm"
[14:57]  Giani (jovian.catseye): looks up the tower
[14:57]  Giani (jovian.catseye): and grins widely
[14:58]  Giani (jovian.catseye): maybe hunter need let people know we visit
[14:58]  Giani (jovian.catseye): i put paga on canoe with wings
[14:58]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): brother wanting to pee on tower?
[14:58]  GM 4.02: You are falling. (18% fall damage)
[14:58]  GM 4.02: You are falling. (18% fall damage)
[14:59]  Giani (jovian.catseye) rolls the barrel onto the ship
[14:59]  Giani (jovian.catseye): did gim ring bell
[14:59]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) taps the barrels
[14:59]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): ((oh is that what you wanted doing))
[14:59]  Giani (jovian.catseye): then runs back to get his bread
[14:59]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): bell hung, can't steal
[15:00]  Giani (jovian.catseye): sigh
[15:00]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver): want to wake stone home white men?
[15:01]  Black Rose Alarm Bell shouts: MehtapDreamWeaver Resident has rung the alarm!
[15:01]  GM 4.02: You are falling. (18% fall damage)
[15:01]  Giani (jovian.catseye): come brother
[15:01]  Giani (jovian.catseye): quick
[15:01]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) grins "Gim rung bell good"
[15:01]  Giani (jovian.catseye) runs ont o the ship and casts off
[15:02]  Giani (jovian.catseye): he grins widely as his brother has to jump on
[15:02]  Gim (mehtapdreamweaver) scowls at the captain for trying to sail without him

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